Assurance of Child Safety

At Laurel Pines, the safety of everyone is our highest priority. We consistently approach everything at camp with safety in mind – creating a Safety Culture.


At camp we maintain a approximate 1:15 staff counselor to student ratio at all times. We also have an additional 1-2 volunteer chaperones for that same group of approximately 15 students. There are 1-3 adults that supervise each cabin. Every time students move from one area of camp to another the staff and chaperones perform a before and after head count of all students to make sure all students are accounted for.


At Laurel Pines we pride ourselves on our excellent staff. Everyone on staff has successfully passed a full background check, and exceeds the requirements needed for each position. What really sets our team apart is their passion for students. Most of them regularly volunteer their time, and skills to students throughout the year at youth groups near their homes. We also have a qualified nurse, and certified life guard on staff to ensure the medical safety of every student.

With Laurel Pines we do everything possible to make sure your student has a safe and unforgettable time. We do have “free time” with parts of our programs, but it is always supervised maintaining our minimum 1:15 ratio. We maintain a good relationship with the local Fire Department, Law Enforcement, and Emergency Medical Services. Should you have any questions please contact us at (855) 888-8660 or